Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

SafetyDesigner FAQ

  • Can I use 2D and 3D CAD files for SafetyDesigner application design?

    Currently, SafetyDesigner does not support CAD files upload.

    However, 3D CAD files converted into STL file formats can be uploaded to the user equipment and used to place them on the 3D screen.

    And 2D CAD files or layout files can be uploaded as 2D drawing image when prepared as JPG or PNG formats.

  • Can I modify the motion I uploaded?

    Currently, SafetyDesigner does not provide modifying functionality for extracted motion files.

    We will update the features in the future.

  • I’m trying to use a custom gripper in the gripper setting, how should I do?

    If you have a 3D CAD file of gripper, convert it to STL file format and you can upload it to the gripper settings menu in SafetyDesigner.

    However, considering the situation of placing multiple robots on a 3D screen, we are currently limiting the size of individual file to 10MB.

    If the file size exceeds 10MB, you will need to reduce it.

    If you are working in a Windows environment, we recommend you to download and install Freeware called ‘3D Builder‘ from the Microsoft App Store, import the STL file that you want to use, and click on Edit > Simplify to reduce the file size.

    In the future, Safetics will provide Mesher (temporary) program to edit user 3D files.

  • Does the collision sensitivity set on the collaborative robot affect the analysis results of the SafetyDesigner?

    SafetyDesigner analyzes without considering the collision sensitivity, so the collision sensitivity does not affect the analysis results.

    However, if the collaborative robot is used in PFL mode, it can be seen that the sensitivity setting is appropriate if the robot stops when it collides with the sixth axis of the robot.

  • How is the CRI value of the analysis result calculated?

    Although the Collision Risk Index (CRI) is an indicator defined by Safetics, it is not a new concept.

    It compares the collision force and collision pressure derived from the collision analysis to the standard allowances.

    The calculation is performed by dividing the measured force and pressure (P, F estimate) at each collision point by the maximum force and pressure (P, F allowable) that each human body part can withstand. These tolerances are specified in the ISO TS 15066 and KOROS 1162-1 standards.

    Furthermore, the more hazardous of the calculated force or pressure value is used.

    For example, if the collision force CRI value at a particular point is 0.7 and the collision pressure CRI value is 0.8, the higher risk value of 0.8 is used as the CRI for that collision point.

    Because of this, the CRI value helps robot users intuitively determine whether collaborative robots can be used in PFL mode without separately analyzing force and pressure.

  • What risks can occur when using a collaborative robot according to the analysis results?

    Based on the analysis results according to KOROS 1162-1 standard, the following risks can be categorized for each analysis result.

    • When the value is equal to or greater than 1: You may experience intense pain and physical harm to the dermis may occur. If the value is excessively high, it may also cause severe injuries to bones and muscle tissues.
    • When the value is less than 1: There is no physical damage to the dermis, and you may experience pain at a level lower than stages 3 to 4 on the 10-point scale (NRS). In some cases, erythema may weakly appear on the epidermis.
  • Can SafetyDesigner be used to conduct risk assessment?

    SafetyDesigner does not yet include a risk assessment feature.

    However, we are planning to add a feature to conduct risk assessment in the future.

    Users will be able to automatically output risk assessment reports based on their choice by selecting the risk factors for their workplace from the list provided by Safetics.

  • Is it possible to analyze collision risks for mobile manipulators in SafetyDesigner?

    Currently, SafetyDesigner does not include a collision risk analysis function for mobile manipulators, so it is only conducted through Safetics’ consulting services.

    Laws and standards related to the use of mobile manipulators will be enacted end of 2024 in South Korea, and when they are completed, we will update collision risk analysis function for the mobile manipulators in the SafetyDesigner.

  • Does the verification of collision safety for collaborative robots through simulation carry legal or standards-based validity?

    In South Korea, SafetyDesigner's analysis report is already being used as data to prepare for the risk of using PFL mode in the safety certification process of collaborative robot installation, which is also recognized by certification bodies.

    Additionally, the content that simulation-based analysis is also possible will be officially listed in the ISO standard at the end of this year or early next year.

    Each country's standards are slightly different in name, such as RIS and JIS, but since the original contents of the ISO standard are integrated and used as they are, the contents are expected to be incorporated into each country's standards when the revised edition is published.

Safety Related FAQ

  • Is it possible to use collaborative robots in PFL mode even if the payload is high?

    The robot can be used in PFL mode if it is proven to be safe for collision regardless of payload.

    Work object weight is one of the factors affecting collision risk analysis, but it is not an absolute variable, so it is difficult to say that it is impossible to apply PFL mode because of its heavy weight.

    As an example, in South Korea, collaborative robots installed in school cafeterias that lift weights of 15 to 20 kg have been certified by applying only the PFL (Power and Force Limiting) mode

    For another example, the palletizing process that transfers weights between 17 and 20 kg has been certified through a combination of PFL (Power and Force Limiting) mode and SSM (Speed and Separation Monitoring) mode.

  • What are the criteria for determining PFL mode availability?

    The criteria for determining the availability of PFL mode are the forces and pressures felt by humans during collisions with robots, and the allowable values for these criteria are listed in the ISO TS 15066 and KOROS 1162-1 standards.

    ISO TS 15066 standard is an international standard that specifies the allowable forces and pressures at the threshold of pain perception, which is the level at which contact is recognized.

    KOROS 1162-1 standard is a South Korea standard that specifies the allowable forces and pressures at the pain limit threshold that the body can withstand upon contact.

    In South Korea, the results of collision safety analysis using SafetyDesigner are issued as a collision risk analysis report, which is used in the safety certification process for collaborative robot in PFL mode.
    Certification bodies recognize the report as reliable documentation.

  • Should I mark the area of collaborative workspace between robots and people in the workplace?

    Yes. Generally, the recommended method is to mark the collaborative workspace on the floor using line tape.

  • Are there any standards or guidelines to refer to when designing products for use with a collaborative robot in PFL mode?

    For robot systems design, the following standards are recommended for reference

    1. For Robot Manufacturers
      – ISO 12100: Provides general guidelines for basic safety design.
      – ISO 10218-1: Focuses on safety standards for industrial robot manufacturers.
      – ISO 3691-4: Dealing with safety standards related to autonomous and mobile bases.
      – ISO 13849-1: Pertains to the functional safety of robots and control systems.
      – IEC 60204 series: Covers safety-related standards for electrical/electronic equipment.
      – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, relevant federal and state laws regarding workplace safety.
      – Other standards and regulations related to the field and purpose of robot utilization.
    2. For End Effector and Collaborative Robot Utility Manufacturers
      – ISO 12100: Provides general guidelines for basic safety design.
      – ISO 13849-1: Pertains to the functional safety of robots and control systems.
      – IEC 60204 series: Covers safety-related standards for electrical/electronic equipment.
    3. For Robot Users and System Integrators
      – ISO 10218-1: Focuses on safety standards targeting industrial robot manufacturers.
      – ISO TS 15066: A supplementary document to ISO 10218-2 for collaborative work between human and robot.
      – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, relevant federal and state laws regarding workplace safety.
      – Other regulations depending on the scope and purpose of robot use (e.g., FDA regulations for food safety, HIPAA for personal health information protection, etc.)

    Lastly, it is important to conduct an analysis based on the actual motions extracted after the installation of collaborative robot system is completed.