Pricing plan

SafetyDesigner Pricing plan

Use SafetyDesigner to analyze robot collision safety, or verify safety in advance in the collaborative robot system design and estimation stage.


If you sign a SafetyDesigner contract, you will be required to pay a basic fee for one robot to print a collision risk analysis report and if there are many robots with the equal risk, you can contract at a lower price than the first one.
In the SafetyDesigner, It is considered as equal risk robot when the robot model and the gripper applied to the robot are the same.

◦ If you are using multiple robots with equal risk, follow the calculation method below.
   1. 10 or less robots in total – $1,000 per additional robot that exceeds 1 unit
   2. 11 or more robots in total – 
$500 per additional robot that exceeds 10 units

e.g., 15 equal risk robots in the system : $3,000 + $1,000 * 9 + $500 * 5 -> Total $14,500 / Year

◦ If you are using multiple robots with unequal risk, follow the calculation method below.
e.g., 3 unequal risk robots in the system : $3,000 * 3 -> Total $9,000 / Year

 For more information on the same risk robots, please refer to ‘What is the difference between free and paid robots?’ on this page.

* Basic fee can be changed according to our policies.

For matters related to first-time use, such as signing a partnership and paying for the SafetyDesigner, need to consult with Safetics.
Please contact us for more information.

Free Members(or Free Membership) means users who use the free features provided by the SafetyDesigner without signing a paid contract with Safetics.

Paid Members(or Paid Membership) refers to an account that has signed a paid contract with Safetics and purchased a license. When using a paid feature, all functions of SafetyDesigner can be used without restrictions on the condition that the number of robots contracted is deducted.

Paid robots are robots capable of issuing collision risk analysis reports.
If you set a robot in the application as a paid robot, it will be deducted by the number of used robots from the number of contracted robots, so approval of the administrator account of the group to which the account belongs is essential.

There are two types of Paid robots:
1. Original robot
The first robot set as a Paid robot in the application is referred to as the Original robot in SafetyDesigner.
After setting the robot to the Original robot, the robot model and robot serial number cannot be modified. Additionally, the gripper model cannot be modified after issuing the report.

2. Equal risk robot
A robot that uses the same robot model and gripper model as the Original robot is referred to as an Equal risk robot.
Equal risk robots can only be set if there is an Original robot with a report issuance history. The robot model, robot serial number, and gripper model cannot be modified.

If you encounter any issues with setting up Paid robots, please contact us.

* Policies related to the setting of the Paid robot may change.

Group management features allow multiple members of the group to use the SafetyDesigner.
Before inviting members to your group in the SafetyDesigner, they need to create an account.
Contact us if you want to set up an group administrator account.

An account registered as a member of a group with a completed paid contract can use the features of a paid membership with the approval of the group’s administrator.
For more information about group management features, see the Group management guide.

You need approval from Safetics to use the account you have signed up. Please contact us for approval.

Terms and Conditions

All services provided by the SafetyDesigner are subject to the terms and conditions. Please refer to the terms and conditions for signing and withdrawing the contract, and refunds.