Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions


Chapter 1. General Conditions

Article 1. Purpose

The purpose of Terms of Use is to prescribe the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Company and its members, and other necessary matters concerning the use of SafetyDesigner and related services provided through the SafetyDesigner web page by Safetics Inc.

Article 2. Terminology Definition

  1. The terms used herein are defined as follows.
    1. Services: Solutions and all related services, including project management, collaborative robot process design, collaborative robot collision risk analysis, collision risk analysis report management, group management, etc. provided by the company through the service page, meaning all services related to SafetyDesigner.
    2. Members: It refers to an individual, corporation, public institution, etc. who accesses the service page of the ‘Company’, enters into a contract of use with the ‘Company’ under these terms and conditions, and uses the services provided by the ‘Company’, including both free and paid members.
    3. Free Members: Members who use only services provided free of charge without signing a separate paid contract.
    4. Paid members: Refers to members who use functions and services provided for a fee by signing a separate paid contract (hereinafter referred to as “paid services”). Members who belong to an group that has signed a paid contract are classified as paid members from the time they belong to the group for the duration of the paid contract.
    5. Paid Contract: A contract between a member and a company for the duration, fee, and range of functions of a paid service.
    6. Paid Robots: Refers to robots that have been separately applied and approved for use by members of SafetyDesigner for paid services under these terms and conditions.
    7. Business day: It means the day when commercial banks located in Korea actually open.
    8. Customer’s information: Information that the customer stores in the company’s services (including information pursuant to Article 3, No. 1 of the Framework Act on National Informatization, and personal information and credit information if it is an individual) means information owned or managed by the customer.
    9. ID: Means a combination of letters and numbers determined by the member and approved by the company for the identification of members and the use of the service, or an email address used for the identification of members
    10. Password: A combination of letters or numbers determined by the members themselves for confidentiality, confirming that they are members who match their ID.
  2. The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions shall be as prescribed by relevant statutes and separate operational policies, except as prescribed in paragraph 1, and those not prescribed shall be in accordance with general correlation.

Article 3. Publication and Modification of Terms and Conditions

  1. Terms and conditions are available on the company’s service page (https://safetydesigner.safetics.io/) . These Terms and Conditions shall become effective when the Company notifies the user of these Terms and Conditions and the user who agrees to these Terms and Conditions shall become a member of this Service, and these Terms and Conditions shall apply when the member accesses the service page or uses the service.
  2. The company may amend these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate related laws such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, and the Personal Information Protection Act.
  3. When the company revises the terms and conditions, the application date and the reason for the revision shall be specified and notified on the service page from 7 days before the application date of the revised terms and conditions to the day before the application date. However, in the case of changes that significantly affect the rights and obligations of members, it shall be notified 30 days before the application date and notified individually to members.
  4. If the member does not express his or her refusal to change the terms and conditions even though the company has announced or notified the member of the revised terms and conditions by the effective date of the revised terms and conditions, the member shall be deemed to have agreed to the revised terms and conditions.
  5. If a member disagrees with the application of the revised terms and conditions, the service may not be available, and the company or member may terminate the use contract.
  6. In principle, these terms and conditions apply from the date the member agrees to these terms and conditions until the withdrawal of the member. However, some provisions of these terms and conditions may be valid even after the member leaves.

Article 4. Matters Not Specified in the Terms and Conditions

  1. In addition to these terms and conditions, the company may provide services by operating individual terms and conditions or by signing a separate contract with members. In the event that the contents of the individual terms and conditions or contracts conflict with these terms and conditions, the individual terms and conditions or contracts will apply first unless otherwise specified.
  2. Matters not specified in the individual terms and conditions or these terms and conditions shall be subject to the company’s operating policy, and matters not specified in the operating policy and the interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be subject to relevant laws or general correlations.

Chapter 2. Use of Service

Article 5. Notice to Members

  1. In principle, the company shall give individual notifications to the members, and if the company is required to notify the members, the company shall notify them using the contact information, such as the email address registered by the members, when applying for the use of the service, unless otherwise specified in the terms and conditions.
  2. If notification is required to be made to all members, the Company may replace the notification by notifying the Service page for at least seven days instead of in the manner specified in paragraph 1. However, this paragraph does not apply if any adverse changes are notified regarding the rights and obligations of members.
  3. Members are obliged to keep their contact information (e-mail address, mobile number, landline number, etc.) up to date to receive corporate notifications. The company is not responsible for any disadvantages to its members because their contact information has not been updated and they have not been able to verify their notifications.

Article 6. Application for Use of the Service and Conclusion of a Contract for Use

  1. The service use contract is established when the applicant agrees to these terms and conditions and applies for the use of the service and the company approves it.
  2. The company shall endeavor to protect the personal information provided by the applicant when applying for the service as prescribed by the relevant laws and regulations, and the protection and use of personal information shall be in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the company’s personal information processing policy. However, the company’s privacy policy does not apply to linked services other than those provided by the company.
  3. In principle, the company accepts the application of the applicant to use the service. However, the company may not accept applications falling under any of the following subparagraph and may terminate the use contract even after signing the use contract.
    1. Where the applicant has previously lost his/her membership due to a violation of these terms and conditions
    2. Where information on members, such as name, contact information, company name, business registration number, etc., is entered differently from the actual, or other person’s information is entered or falsely entered
    3. Where the applicant fails to submit the information required by the company or fails to meet the requirements for application for use
    4. Where the applicant has already acquired and maintained membership and is being restricted or has been restricted under these terms or conditions due to acts prohibited under these terms or other violations of these terms or statutes, or has been delinquent in the use of paid services
    5. Where the applicant subscribes to this service for the purpose or intention of conduct prohibited under these Terms and Conditions
    6. Where the company uses the service in an unusual or indirect manner in a country where the service has not been provided
    7. In the case of applying for the use of services for the purpose of impeding the well-being and order of society or the good and good morals, or acts prohibited by statutes
    8. Where the applicant is a minor
    9. Where it is determined that the applicant intends to use the service to pursue profit in a manner not provided or permitted by the company
    10. Where it is deemed that the applicant has applied for use to imitate the company’s intellectual property rights or the company’s know-how in operating the service or to provide it to others
    11. In the case of applying for re-registration within 7 days from the date of withdrawal
    12. In cases where the company reasonably determines that approval is inappropriate for reasons corresponding to each subparagraph.
  4. If there is no room for service-related facilities, or if there is a technical or business problem, the company may reserve the consent until the reason is resolved.

Article 7. Attribution of Copyright, etc.

  1. Copyright and other intellectual property rights to all content produced by the company belong to the company.
  2. Members shall not use information obtained using the services provided by the company for commercial purposes or allow others to use it by means of reproduction, transmission, editing, publication, performance, distribution, broadcasting, or writing secondary works without the prior consent of the company.
  3. If a member infringes on another person’s intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, and the company receives an objection, such as a claim for damages, the member shall indemnify the company at his or her own responsibility and expense. If the company cannot be indemnified, he or she shall bear all damages incurred to the company.
  4. The Company may use the posts posted by the members in the service in the form of storage, reproduction, modification, public transmission, exhibition, distribution, and creation of secondary works for service exposure, utilization for service promotion, service operation, improvement, and new service development purposes.
  5. If the company deems that a post in the service posted or registered by a member violates these terms and conditions, such as any of the prohibited acts stipulated in Article 19, Paragraph 2, it may delete or move it or refuse to register it without prior notice.
  6. Members whose legal interests are violated by information posted on bulletin boards operated by the company may request the company to delete the information or publish the rebuttal by email (info@safetics.io ). In such cases, the Company shall take the necessary measures in accordance with the applicable laws and notify the applicant thereof.
  7. This section is valid while the company operates the service and will continue to apply after membership withdrawal.

Article 8. Member’s Account and Password

  1. The company uses the e-mail address selected by the member as the account ID for the smooth use of the service, information protection of members, and information on using the service. However, the company may refuse or restrict the use of a member’s account if it is antisocial, unfaithful, or misleading as an operator.
  2. Members must manage their account information with due care as a good manager. Members are responsible for damages caused by members neglecting to manage their account information or agreeing to use it to a third party.
  3. Members are free to set a password within the scope of meeting the standards set by the company, and the password can be changed at any time as desired by the members.
  4. Members are responsible for the protection and management of IDs and passwords used for the use of the service. However, the company may recommend members to change their passwords regularly or irregularly for reasons such as security.
  5. Members are responsible for the theft of accounts and the use of services caused by reasons attributable to members.

Article 9. Rescission, Termination and Restriction of Use of a Member’s Contract

  1. If a member wishes to suspend or terminate the use contract, he or she must notify the company through the procedures and methods posted on the service page.
  2. If a member who applied for a paid service applies for withdrawal, the withdrawal application will be processed after the remaining period of the use contract that has already been paid has passed. However, this is not the case if the member requests immediate withdrawal.
  3. All members’ information will be deleted and cannot be recovered immediately after the time of withdrawal, except for necessary information, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the company’s privacy policy.
  4. Members whose use contract has been terminated cannot use the service from the date of termination. Re-registration is allowed after 7 days based on the withdrawal date.

Article 10. Suspension and Contract Termination by the Company

  1. The company may suspend the use of the service of its members without prior notice in the following cases.
    1. In case of violating the obligations of these Terms and Conditions
    2. If a program running on a member server causes damage to the operation of another member system, interferes with or fails to the operation of the company’s services, or risks such damage, disruptions, or failures
    3. When a member uses the service to cause abnormal excessive traffic in relation to the system in which the member is operating and affects the network
    4. When a member is deemed a risk to the company’s service operations due to the failure to properly install security updates on the server
    5. When a member uses the service for purposes contrary to the national or the public interest
    6. Where a member’s use of the service violates relevant laws and regulations or is contrary to public ethics or order
    7. If the server that the member is using has been infected or hacked by the virus or is suspected to be so
    8. Where a government agency requests or orders a temporary suspension of service in accordance with legal procedures
    9. If the results of unauthorized editing of all data provided by SafetyDesigner for robots not registered as paid robots in the service after signing a paid contract are used for commercial purposes
    10. When a member accesses or uses this service in a way that avoids the conditions, limitations or restrictions announced by the company for the use of the service (e.g., creating multiple company accounts or unauthorized removal of required installation programs to use the service for free or receive special offers)
  2. Where a member’s account has been hacked or stolen, or a legitimate report has been received that it has been used for a crime
  3. Where it is deemed that there is a problem in the way a member uses the service, in violation of other relevant laws or conditions set by the company
  4. In the event that a member’s use of the service is suspended due to a reason under paragraph 1, the Company shall notify the member of the reason for the suspension, the period of the suspension, and the means of an official objection. If the reason for paragraph 1 is corrected or no longer valid, the Company shall restore the member’s right to use the service without delay if it deems that the member’s objection is justified.
  5. The Company may, only if the reason for suspension was justified, charge for the period during which the Service was suspended due to the reasons described in this section, and if the user proves that he/she was not intentional or negligent, the Company shall extend the service period for the period during which the Service was suspended.

Article 11. Provision and Suspension of Services

  1. The service provided by the company is a solution that supports the member’s collaborative robot collision safety analysis and includes the following.
    1. Create and manage projects
    2. Create and manage applications.
    3. Create and manage robots
    4. Collaborative Robot Application Design
    5. Collaborative Robot Collision Risk Analysis
    6. Issuance of a Collaborative Robot Collision Risk Analysis Report
    7. Application sharing
    8. Group Management
    9. Other services incidental to subparagraphs 1 through 8
  2. The company will make the service available immediately to members who have completed the use contract. However, for some services, the service may be initiated from a designated date according to the needs of the company or the negotiation between the members and the company.
  3. The Company may provide other additional services, including those specified in these Terms, when providing services to Members.
  4. The company can differentiate its use by classifying members’ ratings and subdividing the number of uses and the scope of services provided.
  5. The company provides services through the service page, and in principle, provides services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, in the following cases, all or part of the service may be temporarily suspended. In this case, the company notifies the reason and period of the suspension in advance: However, if there are unavoidable circumstances that cannot be announced in advance, it may be announced afterwards.
    1. If necessary for system operation, such as regular system inspection, expansion and replacement of servers, network instability, etc
    2. Where it is impossible to provide normal services due to power failure, failure of service facilities, runaway use of services, repair or inspection of facilities by key telecommunications business operators
    3. In the event of a situation beyond the control of the company, such as wartime, incident, natural disaster, or equivalent national emergency
  6. The company may suspend the service if it is difficult to continue the service due to serious management reasons such as the abolition of business due to the transfer of business, division, merger, etc., the expiration of the contract for the provision of contents, and the significant deterioration of profits of the service. In this case, the date and reason of the suspension shall be notified through the service page 30 days before the date of suspension, and individually notified to the contact information of the member, such as the email address.

Article 12. Management of Member Accounts

  1. Members are responsible for managing their ID and password and preventing third parties from using it.
  2. If the Member learns that his/her ID and password have been stolen or used by a third party, he/she shall immediately notify the Company and comply with the Company’s guidelines.
  3. The company may restrict the use of ID if personal information is at risk of disclosure or leakage, or if the ID is misunderstood as being related to the company or its operator.
  4. Members are responsible for any breach of the obligations of this section. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages arising from the Member’s failure to comply with the Company’s guidelines or guidelines in this Section.
  5. The company may limit the number of accounts that individual members can hold, depending on the company’s policies. Details are as announced on the service page.

Article 13. Change of Service

  1. For the services provided by the Company to its members, the Company has comprehensive authority over production, alteration, maintenance and repair.
  2. For smooth service delivery, the company may constantly modify, add, or abolish all or part of the service it provides, if necessary for the operation or technical requirements of the service, such as new service contents and various bug patches.
  3. The company shall notify the service page in advance if the contents of the service are changed. However, if it is unavoidable to change, such as correction of bugs or errors or urgent updates, or if it does not fall under a significant change, it may be notified afterwards.
  4. Some analysis result data may vary depending on the software’s update
  5. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if a change in the contents of the service adversely affects or significantly affects the rights and obligations of the members, it shall be handled in accordance with the change in the terms and conditions.
  6. Free services provided by the Company are provided at the Company’s independent discretion and judgment, and the Company has no obligation to maintain or guarantee free services. The Company may modify, suspend, or change some or all of these free experiences or free services at any time as necessary, such as the Company’s policy planning or operational necessity, or the Company’s urgent situation, and shall not compensate members separately unless otherwise specified in the relevant laws and regulations. The Company may suspend or suspend the free service at any time if it deems that the Members unfairly and repeatedly use or abuse the Company’s free services, or reasonably believe that they intend to do so.
  7. The Company shall not be liable for any problems arising from the change or suspension of the Service unless the cause of the service change or suspension is due to the Company’s intention or gross negligence.

Article 14. Privacy and Management

  1. The company strives to protect members’ personal information, including account information, as prescribed by relevant laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act. The protection and use of members’ personal information shall be subject to the personal information processing policy separately notified by the company. However, the company’s personal information processing policy does not apply to linked sites other than the official service site provided by the company.
  2. The company shall not take any responsibility for any information, including the account information of the member exposed due to reasons attributable to the member.
  3. If a third party, such as a certification authority, requests to share a document to determine whether the collision risk analysis report submitted by a member is forged, the company may provide the collision risk analysis report corresponding to the requested document number to the relevant third party with the consent of the member.

Article 15. Provision of Information and Publication of Advertisements

  1. The company may post a variety of information on the company’s service page that the member deems necessary while using the service.
  2. The company may place advertisements within the service in relation to the operation of the service. In addition, only members who have agreed to receive it can send advertising information by e-mail. In this case, the member may refuse to receive it at any time, and the company will not send advertising information when the member refuses to receive it.
  3. The company may post advertisements from third parties on the service page in order to maintain this service, etc.
  4. You can link to advertisements or services provided by others through banners or links within the services provided by the company.
  5. In connection with advertisements or services provided by others pursuant to paragraph 4, the service provided in the relevant area is not the service area of the company, so the company does not guarantee reliability, stability, etc., and the company is not liable for any damage to its members.

Article 16. Scope of service use by member type

  1. Membership types can be classified by two criteria
    1. Whether to sign a paid contract
    2. Group Management Services availability
  2. The range of service offerings varies depending on the classification of members classified by two criteria. Information on the content of the paid service and the paid functions it contains can be found on the Guide Center page.
  3. Members belonging to a group that has signed a paid contract are classified as paid members during the paid contract period from the time they belong to the group. It is classified as free members during periods outside the contract period.

Chapter 3. Obligations of Contracting Parties

Article 17. Company Obligations

  1. The company faithfully complies with the obligations stipulated in the relevant laws and terms and conditions in good faith.
  2. The company strives to provide the services requested by its members in a stable and continuous manner.
  3. In the event of a failure that interferes with the normal operation of the service or the loss or damage of data, the company will do its best to maintain or restore the service as soon as possible and operate the service stably, unless there is an unavoidable reason, such as a natural disaster, an emergency, or a failure or defect that cannot be resolved with current technology.
  4. If a member’s opinion or complaint is objectively recognized as legitimate, the company shall promptly deal with it within a reasonable period of time. However, if the processing takes a long time, the member shall be notified.

Article 18. Members’ obligations

  1. The company may request members to submit documents to confirm the information entered at the time of application for subscription, such as a business registration card, and members must submit them at the request of the company.
  2. Members shall not use the services provided by the company for any purpose other than the original purpose of provision or perform any of the following acts.
    1. When registering information with the company for the purpose of applying for membership or changing information, the act of entering information or false information of others other than the company’s information and personal information
    2. In the case of a request for the submission of evidence under paragraph (1), the act of submitting data containing false information, forged or altered data
    3. Use of information acquired through the use of this service for purposes other than safety verification of collaborative robots
    4. Use of this service for the purpose of safety verification of collaborative robots of members or for purposes other than the purpose of use explicitly notified and guided by the company
    5. The act of pretending to be another person or falsely specifying a relationship with another person
    6. The act of stealing the name or information of another person, the account and password of another member, etc. for the purpose of subscribing to, using, and paying for the service, or using it illegally within the service
    7. Using services by exploiting known or unknown bugs
    8. Acts intended to infringe or damage the reputation or rights of the company and a third party, interfere with the work of the company or a third party, including this service, or cause damage to the company and a third party
    9. The act of collecting, storing, disseminating, or posting the personal information of other members without the approval of the company, infringing on other rights such as intellectual property rights, intellectual property rights of third parties, portrait rights, etc
    10. Acts that cause harm to a third party by deceiving a third party and taking advantage or unhealthy use of services provided by the company
    11. Impersonating a company by altering a service or adding or inserting another program on a service page without being granted special rights by the company, hacking a server, reverse design, leaking and changing source code, building a separate server, or arbitrarily changing or stealing a part of the website
    12. The act of registering documents or sending emails by impersonating, impersonating an employee or operator of a company or stealing the name of another person
    13. The act of obstructing the operation of the service by illegal and malicious programming, hacking or similar means
    14. Access and use of this service in excess of the authority granted to members by the company
    15. The act of subscribing to, using, or accessing this service for the purpose of developing or launching a service identical, similar, or related to this service
    16. Obstruction of the company’s normal service by loading the company’s server in a way different from normal usage, such as using an automatic access program, etc
    17. The act of granting access rights, such as lending and transferring accounts to third parties other than oneself
    18. The act of engaging or inducing gambling, exchanging or publishing obscene or vulgar information, or linking (linking) obscene sites
    19. Unhealthy use of services, such as sending or distributing words, sounds, writings, pictures, photos or videos that cause shame, disgust, or fear to others
    20. Repeated disclosure of identical or similar posts or meaningless posts for the purpose of papering over a bulletin board
    21. Acts substantially the same as or equivalent to the above subparagraphs when comprehensively and reasonably considering the specific intention, purpose and contents thereof
    22. Other acts that violate public order and good morals or violate illegal or unjust acts and laws
  3. Members are obligated to check and comply with notices on the service page, changes to the terms and conditions of use, and not to interfere with the company’s work.
  4. Members shall retain or acquire all rights to servers, software programs, etc. operated by Members through the Services and shall be fully responsible for any copyright issues arising from them.
  5. If a member damages another member or a third party by distributing or sending illegal software or spam through the service without cause attributable to the company, the member shall indemnify the company from lawsuits filed by third parties against the company at his own responsibility and expense, and compensate the company for all damages incurred if the company is not exempted.
  6. Members shall not publish or transmit data within the Service containing services, other computer codes, files, or software viruses that interfere with or destroy the stable operation of the Program.
  7. After signing a paid contract, any robot that is not registered as a paid robot in the service may be claimed for damages if it uses the results of unauthorized editing of all data provided by SafetyDesigner for commercial purposes.
  8. Members may not resell, re-lease, or transfer services to third parties without the Company’s consent.
  9. The Company may determine the specific types of actions that fall under any of the following in its operational policies, and its members are obliged to comply with them.
    1. Restrictions on setting members’ account names and passwords
    2. Other matters deemed necessary for the operation of the company to the extent that it does not infringe on the essential rights of the members to use the service

Chapter 4. Compensation for Damages

Article 19. Compensation for Damages

  1. The company or member is responsible for compensating the other party for damages in violation of these terms and conditions. However, this is not the case if there is no intention or negligence.
  2. If the company receives various objections from a third party, such as a claim for damages or a lawsuit, due to illegal acts committed by a member in using the service or violating these terms, the member shall indemnify the company at his own responsibility and expense, and if the company is not indemnified, the user shall be responsible for compensating for all damages incurred to the company.

Article 20. Limiting the Company’s Liability

  1. The company shall not be responsible for providing the service if it is unable to provide the service due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure.
  2. The company shall not be liable for damages incurred to its members due to the following reasons. However, this is not the case if it is intentional or negligent by the company’s intention or negligence.
  3. Obstacles to the use of services by intention or negligence of members
  4. Failure of communication services provided by a service provider other than the Company, a national emergency, a national network failure, or a corresponding cause may cause the service to be interrupted
  5. If the service is discontinued after prior notice due to service diagnosis, repair, replacement, regular inspection, construction, or similar reasons
  6. Where the use of a member exceeds the scope of the service defined in the use contract
  7. In the event of damage to the member himself or a third party due to inaccuracy, improperness, etc. of the information posted by the member on the service
  8. In the event of a breach due to a member’s negligence in system security management
  9. If the service is interrupted to prevent the spread of accidents in the system of the member who uses the service
  10. Where the service is interrupted to prevent the spread of accidents in the member’s information system
  11. If the service is interrupted to prevent the spread of accidents in the member’s information system
  12. Failure of equipment, software, applications, or OS arbitrarily installed by members on company services
  13. If the member’s project and application information are leaked to the outside due to the member’s insider’s mistake
  14. Transactions or disputes arising between members or between members and others
  15. Access to free services
  16. If the benefits expected by the member through the use of the service are not realized
  17. Illegal access by a third party to a server or illegal use of a server and obstruction of abnormal access using a program
  18. Other grounds equivalent to each subparagraph as grounds for not recognizing the reasons attributable to the company
  19. The relevant member shall be responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the information, data, facts, etc. posted by the member on the screen, and the company shall not be responsible for any damage caused to the user or a third party due to inaccuracy or false content.
  20. The company shall not be liable for any damages incurred to the members themselves or to a third party due to the intention or negligence of the members in connection with the use of the service.
  21. The company is not responsible for any damage caused by the leakage or provision of its personal information to others by members.
  22. The company shall not be liable for damages caused by the member’s failure to achieve the expected results from the use of the service or by using the data obtained through the service: Provided, That this shall not apply to the case of intention or negligence of the company.

Article 21. Governing law and Jurisdiction

  1. These terms and conditions are governed and interpreted in accordance with Korean law.
  2. If you file a lawsuit regarding the use and provision of services between the company and its members, you will file a complaint with the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act.

Supplementary Provisions

This agreement will be effective from May 2, 2024.